Saturday, January 6, 2007

Pictures Taken Today Outside My House

Calamondin Fruit

American Beautyberries

Calamondin Tree


  1. In your own yard? Do you eat the calamondins and are they the same as the clementines? Can you eat the beautyberries?

  2. Yes, Yves, in our own yard. Isn't that nice? I planted the caladmondin; some beautyberry plants grow wild in the woodsy patch behind the house.

    I've looked it up, and the clementine is a form of mandarain orange, sweet to eat, while the calamondin is closer to a kumquat. Its juice is more like a lemon than an orange, although, as with kumquats, the skin is soft and rather sweet. We use it in iced tea (which we drink almost every day), and also pie. It isn't widely used even here.

    I've never heard of anyone eating the beautyberry, but they're said to be edible. They grow wild here.

  3. P.S. The calamondin is about the size of a golf ball.
